The destruction of Great Apes natural habitat is the main reason of their disappearance. According to FAO, 13 milions of forest's hectars are decimating on earth per year including 2 milions hectars in Indonesia, and 90 per cent of Orangutan's habitats are already destroyed.
Let's not underestimate the seriousness of the situation!
As consumers, WE are involved in this irresponsible destruction. There is an obvious connection between your daily cosumption and deforestation. The production of paper, the production of palm oil and the conversion of forest into croplands have inevitably some irreversible consequences on fauna and flora in which we are tacking part.
This article is not supposed to lecture you but it aims at raise awareness of this worlwide issue.
This article is not supposed to lecture you but it aims at raise awareness of this worlwide issue.
I talked earlier about the gravity of Orangutan's situation and sure enough he is the most threatened Great Ape. According to various reports (such as UNESCO's one), in Indonesia 98 per cent of tropical forest is about to disappear by 2012. In the meantime, to be able to satisfy wood market request, the forest industry is illegaly cutting down the forest. Worst of all, woodcutters don't hesitate to get into national park to cut down even more trees. Europe, Asia and North America are the main wood market coming from Indonesia.
Biodiversity and local community are the first victims of this disaster in which multinationals are the only one to take advantage.
What are we supposed to do? Obviously, the states concerned by this issue should be the first to find out the way to end it. Among some corruptions and weakness from the state in which we add the influence of multinationals, the consumer seems to measure up. By giving up to buy non certified wood, you fulfill your duty as a world citizen!
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