Family : Panina
Genus : Pan
Chimpanzee is the common name for the two extant species of ape in the genus Pan : The better known chimpanzee is Pan troglodytes living in west and central Africa. The second specie is Pan paniscus, living in the forest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Chimpanzees are omnivore therefore they mainly eat fruits, insects, honey but also some kind of birds and little mammals.
Physical description:
An adult male chimpanzee can weigh from 35-70 kilograms and stand about 1 metre tall, while females usually weigh 26-50 kg and stand at the most 1 metre.
They are black-haired apes with a pale rose face which distinguish them from Bonobos, gorillas and orangutans.
Chimpanzees mainly live in a forest environment in which trees turn into a protection against predators (particularly humans). However during their all life chimpanzees move but always among a restricted area. They form communities of more or less 100 individuals including a dominant male.
Apart from humans, the main predator representing a real danger for chimpanzee is snake.
They rarely live past the age of 40 in the wild but in captivity they are able to reach more than 60.
Chimpanzees aren't able to swim.
They use tools made with branches and stones. This last characteristic bring Humans and chimpanzees together.
Many scientist are working in laboratory with chimpanzees which developed real abilities to learn various languages.
Female chimpanzee is viviparous.
Female chimpanzee is viviparous.
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